Friday, May 12, 2006

Do you know what is the feeling of fustration?

Fustration is what you feel when you were suppose to meet up with your friends to discuss an individual assignment, and in the end, they did their own stuff and not the assignment.

I thought we're suppose to discuss the assignment together? Why are you doing your other stuff? At least tell me beforehand that you guys are busy with other stuff mah.

You also feel fustrated when one of the said friends keeps asking for your guidance on a subject that you have done/cleared half a year ago.

Will you stop asking me about something i have done half a year ago? I don't remember most of it and it has no relation to what we're suppose to do now.

Fustration is also what you feel when your partner in a group assignment apologises for not pulling his weight, but doesn't do anything to rectify it.

You keep saying sorry, but why don't you do something about it?

It can also be felt when the said partner keeps whinging about how hard the subject is when discussing the assignment together.

If you really think the subject is hard, why don't you drop it then?

In all these situations, fustration can be felt. Not anger though. Just fustration. Maybe a feeling of irritation as well. But mostly fustration. 100 % fustration.

Did i say i was fustrated?

You guys absolutely have to see this. Its bloody hilarious! :D


Anonymous said...

doesnt frustration leads to anger? it does for me.


Green Ogre said...

Don't get mad, get even. :P

Unknown said...

@flowerger: yeah, it does that to me too. but i was more irritated than angry then. >.<

@green ogre: spoken truly like an full-blood ogre. now, do you have "get-even" services? or maybe just "plain-violent"? :D