Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Truth Will Set Your Teeth Free.

National Day. The day where we gained independence. The day where we celebrate the birth of our country. The day where we show our love and affection for our homeland.

Do i love this country?

Perhaps we should explore what it means when we say we love this country.

When we say we love this country, it means that we love the country that has:

  1. Drivers who turn without signaling / indicating,
  2. People who push / shove their way into a crowded train, oblivious that there isn't any space at all and/or leaning on the grab-bars, ignoring the fact that their bodies are the size of Africa and that no one else can use it,
  3. People who talk too loudly on their handphones or to their friends,
  4. Kids who play music loudly on their handphones' speakers,
  5. A single ruling party since the dinosaurs,
  6. Advertisements which still use the symbol "@" eg. E-Centre @ Redhill, NYP @ Expo. C'mon guys, the "@" is out of fashion already! Move on!
  7. The most screwed-up weather. It rains with the sun burning brightly, alternate between raining and burning hot within the hour and/or burning hot at 7am in the morning.
  8. Parents who compare their children's grades and bequeath an unholy amount of stress on their children
  9. Parents who spoil their children and/or not teaching them any manners
So. The question remains: Do i love this country?


Don't get me wrong. I may not love this country, but my family is here and i grew up here. I have a duty and responsibility to protect it.

But do i love it?

I'm afraid not.


Green Ogre said...

I may not totally agree with your views but I can understand why you would feel that way.

Not everything and everyone is hopeless yet. :P

By the way, I think I would still say i love Singapore.

Unknown said...

Feel free to disagree with me. After all, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion.

Most people would say that they love Singapore. But i'm asking myself now: What is it that makes you love Singapore? Food? Then you love the food, not the country. The nightlife? Then you love the nightlife, not the country.

Just my opinion, by the way. :)