Sunday, September 07, 2008

“Studies in contemporary state-sponsored terrorism”. Also known as gym class.

Whenever i smell the fresh morning air that is ever present from about 2.00am to 4.00am in the morning, i always get this feeling of sian-ness.


The only reasons why you are smelling that fresh morning air is either you got guard duty, in which you're trying to protect the country and hence only able to sleep in two-or-three-hours intervals, inter-dispensed with one hour of guard duty throughout the entire night.

Or you got Physical Training (PT) in the morning, in which you're trying to be (read: forced to be >.<) in better shape to protect the country and hence, do the Five Basic Exercises (5 BX) with your sergeants yelling at you that their grandmothers can run/exercise faster, and therefore results in you sweating and panting for breath early in the morning.

Either way, its not a good sign that you're able to smell the fresh morning air.

Of course, there is always a chance that its because your mahjong session just finished and you're on the way for your customary supper of prata with your friends. :)

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