Saturday, September 19, 2009

I’m losing the game, but winning an ambulatory adulthood.







Anonymous said...

Don't be dishearted.. you will sure meet someone who really appreciate who you are and how you look.

Green Ogre said...

You know what? I definitely look ugly to most folks, but I do believe that when someone is spending their time with me, it is not wasted. There's no chemistry, it's off.

It's not your fault that she can't appreciate you. Different people look for different things.

Look at Jack Nicholson and Flavio Briatore, and who can figure why they're such playboys looking the way they do. But they are, because it's what's inside that makes up for what's outside.

So keep your chin up and start believing that you are attractive!

You have to believe in yourslef first before others will believe you. Seriously, sometimes, I walk down the streets and wonder why is that babe with that cannot-make-it dude? Because personality goes a long way... (one my fave lines from Pulp Fiction)