its good to be back home, though i've caught the sniffles. to see my oliphant was really great and it was really good to spend quality time together. i've missed her presence, her hugs and kisses. i'm trying not to think of the seperation in feb'06 when i fly back to oz so i'm gonna enjoy every day and moment with her, and as much as her job would allow her to.
yesterday, me and oliphant went flowerger's 'hari raya party' to see the familar faces and company that i've missed in wollongong, and catch up with one another. on a depressing note, i've received many comments that i've grown stockier. i guess its time to break out the jogging shoes again and run my ass off. last time i was back in the middle of year, i didn't bring back my jogging shoes so i had excuses, which is void now coz i brought them back home this time round.
been reading abit of news back home. saw an article about a teacher's blogging and how she publishes sex-related articles. i guess bigbanana's entry of uncyclopedia's explanation of singapore is really true: singaporeans do blog (and hence complain/whing) alot and my opinion is that its a reflection of the suppressed spirit that exists here. but my issue is with the teacher's blogging, as in i'm pretty much on her side. the article, as u can imagine, was simply stating what she publishes in there, as opposed to the supposedly 'good' behaviour that all teachers are suppose to have so that our children would model their own behaviour after them. and while we are on the raunchy topic of sex, there is apparently gonna be a exhibition on sex toys and stuff coming soon, with a few exhibits being barred/banned. furthermore, there was another article on the state of denial and ignorance that parents have on their teenagers' premartial sex, which is becoming more widespread.
i think it can all be boiled down a simple statement: sex sells. i dun have any issues with publishing topics on sex stuff, but it really seems to me that sometimes singaporeans are still stuck on the old mindset. in the last article i mentioned (abt ignorance and denial that parents have), it went as far as to quote one of them saying that as long as parents do not talk with their children on the birds and bees, they do not believe that their children would try premartial sex. talk about state of denial. thats rite, we believe that our children do not drink (yeah, rite), do not go to pubs (yeah, rite X 2) and do not have premartial sex (yeah, rite X 3). oh yes, pls note the tone of sarcasm in the last sentence. >.<
in addition, aren't teachers humans as well? what abt the internet free speech that bigbanana adovcated? what has happened to the right to do what we want? it sure seems to me that our every action is scrutinized and when we do something relating to sex ,'bam!' the media homes in and reports on us, saying ,"wow! look at this person talking abt sex. tsk tsk tsk." (-.-)
in relation to the first article (abt the teacher publishing sex stuff on her blog), teachers are not angels, they are human beings. they have the right to relax, drink beer and do what they want (all in moderation, of coz :p). there was also another quote of someone's reaction when the teachers ordered a jug of beer ,"what? how can you drink beer? you are teachers!" or somewhat to that effect. while there is no question that they ARE role models for the students and that their behaviour needs to exemplery, but given the stressful working environment these days (what with wilful and spoilt kids coming from rich families who believe that they own the school and can demand that the principal makes a public apology for punishing a student), isn't it a wonder how they can cope and its all the more reason for them to relax. a blog is suppose to be an online diary where u can express your innermost and deepest feelings. whats the point of blogging when u have to constantly look over your shoulder to see if your posts and comments are non-controversial or non-exmplery? (-.-)
btw, whenever i have the sudden suicidal urge to become a teacher, pls remind me of this post. lol... for now, i'm trying to recover from the sniffles, go date my oliphant after dinner and jogging tomorrow. *grins* happy happy happy.
just an insight, if the parents and/or community do not start showing any care or concern about our youths today, start packing up and migrate somewhere else. i don't dare to think that one day they will or may become leaders of this country.
thats true. but somehow they seem to be going abt it the wrong way over here. thats just my own insignificant opinion. lol...
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