Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes it’s good to hush up for a while and let autumn stick in a few words.

"Dragon, turn.
Dragon, climb.
Dragonrider, watch for sign.
Firestone chew.
Dragon, flame.
Char the Thread, make it tame."
- “Dragonsblood” by Todd McCaffrey

I'm due for a NS reservist call-up next week.

The good news:
My boss managed to defer me.

The bad news:
I won't be able to escape the next call-up. It'll from October to November, and its in Australia. Exercise Wallaby.

The good news:
Going to Australia. If there's one thing i miss terribly of Australia, its the calm, peacefulness and tranquility.
When i was still studying in Australia, amongst the various houses that i've stayed in, there was a student hostel situated just behind the university.
Living there was somehow even more peaceful than other places. This was because as you walk up the well-made brick footpath to your unit, you're surrounded by greenery and only sporadic houses/flats. The road is on the other side, so you can't see any cars or transport. All you see and hear is nature and the quiet bustling of students going about their daily lives.
Sadly, we don't have that over here. There are roads everywhere and within sight. True, there is greenery, but its different somehow.

The bad news:
The next call-up will be for three weeks and i'm not sure if my boss/colleagues will be able to cope.

“When she spoke again, her voice was quiet, near a whisper. “In the Eridani Way, we are taught that harmony is everything. A good change is invisible, like the wind. It belongs – it seems like an obvious part of the ecosystem.”
“You remember the ancient tailor’s saying: Measure twice, cut once?” she continued.
Emily nodded.
“The Eridani would say measure a million times, then a million times more and see if you can’t possibly find a way to avoid the cut. ‘A world is not easily mended,’ they say.”
- “Dragonsblood” by Todd McCaffrey


Green Ogre said...

Wallaby's quite interesting actually. Been to two, enjoyed them both.

Unknown said...

The only thing i'm looking forward to, is going back to Oz. :p