Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I’ve never liked crayons very much. They just don’t have any flavour at all.

"But I knew that anyone who cared to look would know that it was cheap. The whole thing was a commentary on who i was, what i was about, and what i was willing to accept in life.

That's what fashion does: It is designed to make a statement about a person.

It's sometimes argued that fashion is all about creation and construct. Not only are the clothes and shoes we wear, and the bags we carry, constructs of someone else's imagination, they are also the realisation of an idea, an inspiration brought to life by someone who has the know-how and skill to do so.

We in turn use these constructs to create an impression of ourselves, by assembling the bits and pieces together.

It's an amalgamation of various ideas, coming together into a whole that accurately (the key word is
accurately) expresses on the outside what is within. That, in itself, is an act of creation and construction as well."
- "My motto: Fashionably practical" by Jill Alphonso in mypaper 12 January 2010

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