Went out for dinner on saturday with my oliphant, flowerger, judess and the rest of the wollongong gang (yes flowerger, its wollongong gang not gong gang, the latter sounds too cheesy >.<). SOMEONE told us the meeting place would be at Shaw Tower *glares at flowerger, can see flowerger glaring sullenly back*, and didn't further clarify that its at bugis, not orchard (actually its partly my fault for not knowing and clarifying with flowerger beforehand, but edmund and judess also got confused, so i guess flowerger has to take some blame for it >.<). in any case, the meeting time was 7.30pm and my oliphant drove by to pick me up before heading down. due to the confusion and traffic jams, we got to Shaw-Lido at abt 8ish before realising that it was the wrong Shaw (yes yes flowerger, i can see you protesting vociferously your innocence but humour me lah >.<). so we helter-skelter out and made our way to the proper Shaw, by which it was already close to 9ish. sighz. off to a bad start, but it sure didn't dampen the mood throughout the rest of the night. :)
it was good to see all of them and i really enjoyed chatting and catching up. as a result, i honestly didn't notice the crappy service by the restaurant. it was only after mi and oliphant's ordering of our late dinners, were we told of the long waiting times and small portions (no flowerger, its not your fault for choosing a bad restaurant). tired of waiting for the smokers to come back (can see judess blushing in the corner >.<), we sang and celebrated jess's and roy's birthday without them. then came the exchanging of pressies. i got a blue doggy mug from rosie and my oliphant got chocolates from judess (think it should be gone by now *grins*). i think judess got my oliphant's car keychain, rosie got a chicken clock (from who ah? i dunnoe leh, can someone clarify?) and flowerger obtain a male's cologne, which she exchanged for a female's perfume with joshua (think someone is trying to tell u something, flowerger *sniggers* >.<) Ali helped pay for our dinner and we were grateful for that *shouts out a huge 'thank you' to Ali*.
as we headed out whilst still chatting, i caught sight of the good-nature bickering between the girls. my oliphant was 'jealous' becoz flowerger and judess were a 'couple' (they were hugging each other >.<). after further claims of being a 'lesbo couple', my oliphant got even more 'jealous' (coz no one invited her >.<), stomp her tiny foot, cock her hips while 'glaring' at the offending 'couple' (who 'strangely' looked indifferent >.<). she looked so 'angry' but adorable then and i would always remember that sight with a smile on my lips. the 'couple' finally relented and had a group hug with all the girls in, squeezing flowerger to a pulp. *grins* it seemed like a really long time since i saw them hugging each other, the last time being back in wollongong, i think. anyway, it sure represented our mood and the good time that we were having.
went for sheesha thereafter at arab street with judess leading the way (she's 'expert' already, being there so many times :p). after much cajoling and persuasion, mummy's girl: flowerger decided to stay with us a bit longer. as we continued to chat and talk crap till 2ish, flowerger showed further signs of her 'closet lesbian' nature by displaying her matching keychains and handphones with rosie (be afraid, pinkys, be very afraid >.<). being past her bedtime, flowerger had a headache and left for home ealier in a mercedes cab (think she must be sssooo happy to go home in a mercedes sia >.<). my oliphant then gave roy, judess and edmund a lift home, travelling nearly round the whole singapore. with edmund in telok balang (near World Trade Centre), yishun-boy roy, judess in hougang, my house in tanah merah, my oliphant must have had a tiring night driving all of us before heading back to her home in clementi. much of the journey can be best described in the directional instructions 'just keep going straight'. >.<
i had a bbq with my relatives on sunday and my poor oliphant, who didn't sleep coz she didn't feel like doing so, join me after her work. my female cousins came with their boyfriends and my younger bro's girlfriend turned up as well. i caught a sight where my cousins and me with our partners feeding each other during the bbq dinner. it struck me how much we have grown over the years and i felt a sense of togetherness, which i rarely felt before among my extended family. i really hope that my 'generation' (meaning my cousins, brother etc etc) would be able to continue the tradition of getting together. my oliphant had to be bullied/shooed into bed after being caught napping on the sofa. played mahjong with my bro and cousins till the end before fetching my grandmother, uncle and oliphant home at the end of the night.
all in all, it was a good weekend. i had a great time and thanks to flowerger for organising it (yah
lah yah lah flowerger, i'm thanking you, i'm not all that shameless, y'know >.<). it was good and comforting to see all of us together and catching up on each other's lives. although there were occasional times where i could see a bored expression on some of us, i think i can safely say that we had enjoyed ourselves. 2005 is coming to a close and a brand new year looms on the horizon. looking back, it has been good year and i wonder what fortunes the next year will bring. ah well, let tomorrow worry for itself for each day has enough troubles of its own. oh yah, Merry Christmas to all of ya! :)