Thursday, December 29, 2005


Check these articles that MSN have on their website: 5 Guys that Gals should date, and 5 Gals that Guys should date.

i think thats absolute bollocks. you dun need to learn all of life's lessons through a partner. a guy can learn that sex is not everything by dating a seductress (read: nympho >.<). duh?! of course sex isn't everything. any man who thinks sex is everything, should be locked up and have the words 'sex maniac' branded/stamped on his forehead. a gal can learn life's values by dating a older guy (read: sugar daddy >.<). wtf?! you can learn this stuff from examining your own or others' lives. any woman that dates an older guy just to learn life's values should be locked up along with the 'sex maniac' and have the words 'bimbo' stamped/branded on her forehead. if one's reason/s for entering a relationship is anything other than affection or love, it would seem hypocritical to me. i think such a relationship would only end in painful separation.

Honestly. *shakes head* what's with the world these days? it seems to me that every single webpage has adverts or posters screaming 'find that special someone!' or 'boost your love life!'. we live in sad times, my friends, we live in sad times. haiz...

oh yeah, and A Happy New Year to all of you! see ya guys next year. :)


Anonymous said...

i believe when one enter a relationship it shd complement the person's life and not complete the person's life.


Unknown said...

really? complement, and not complete? whats the difference? oliphant completes and complements my life, so i can't really tell the difference. >.< hee..

Anonymous said...

i guess u are a "special" case...hahah :P

i believe when one goes into a relationship, one cannot expect to be the receiving end. one has to give too. cos i know some ppl who are lack or hunger for love & affection, expects the other party to give all those and hence the person will say the other party "completes" his/her life. i see too many of such cases and the person becomes too dependent on the other party.

what im trying to say here, one has to be emotionally stable and sane before committing into a relationship. perhaps im not a good example to cite from but im happy now and shd i be in a relationship i can contribute that happiness into the relationship and vice versa for my partner. the happiness my partner gives me complements my life and not complete my life.

i believe nobody can complete each other's life. one's life only complete when one goes back to his/her maker.

my 2-cents worth... :) sorry very lorsoh...


Unknown said...

yah lah! u so lorsoh, writing essay arh?! hee... :)

but seriously, your opinion makes sense. somehow in my view, when people say their partners complete their lives, i tend to think that the partners have filled that empty void in their lives, and made a otherwise 'empty' life, meaningful.

P.S: me going home at 12 liaoz. today 'unofficial' half-day. woohoo! >.<

Anonymous said...

in my opinion (ahem ahem) there is no such thing as "the one" or "my second half". why? because it ain't practical and it ain't real. What is real, is love frm "the one above" and love of family.

I have vowed to never ever trust any men completely or to live for him (really corny ler this one) because, at the end of the day, I know, promises from another partner are just cheap words and men are selfish! (well, all of us are selfish)

remember girls - do not ever ever, go out with a mummy's boy!!! (errr... ok ok out of point) lol!

kruder said...

Happy New Year!!!