Saturday, December 23, 2006

"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else." - Laurence J. Peter

“Harper, your song has a sorrowful sound,
Though the tune was written as gay.
Your voice is sad and your hands are slow
And your eye meeting mine turns away.”
- “Dragonsong” by Anne McCaffrey

The end of 2006.

The end of a year.

The end of my studies.

The end of my university life.

The end of my social life.

The end of my love life.

The end of my romance.

The end of my smiles.

The end of my reason to be happy.

The End.

“When Nakor looked back at Magnus, he found the magician lost in thought. Having some idea where those thoughts led, Nakor said, “You should have found another, Magnus.”
Magnus looked down at his former teacher. "Some wounds never heal. You just bind them up and go on with life."

- “Talon of the Silver Hawk” by Raymond E. Feist


flowerger said...

don't allow sadness to control your life cos you will be at the losing end. it may be difficult to move on but remember these, the world will continue to spin, time will continue to tick and nobody will wait for you. ie life goes on.

one door closes another door will open. its your life and you decide what's best for yourself.

lets look forward to 2007.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, chin up! :)

I lost someone really dear to my heart in 2006 too. (Kinda explains my constant depressive mode eh? haha)

it takes time to heal. I speak from experience cos I'm still healing ... slower than anyone could imagine! but guess wat? it's still healing after all. :)

Here's wishing u a blessed and a merry merry Christmas season! I know it's tough but yeah it's a season of renewal and cheer and let's make the most of it! :)

Merry Christmas! *thumbs up*

Unknown said...

Flowerger: yes, life does go on, doesn't it? But what if i decide to let life go on ahead of me, while i take a breather? :p

Merry Christmas. :)

Depressive freak: You know, we depressed people should meet up and get depressed together. :D

Merry Christmas to you too. :)

Anonymous said...

haha ... yeah and spread the depression ard! Haha ... :)

trisha said...

Hey friend,

I know recovery may take a while but don't lose heart ok?

I wish you new beginnings in 2007. The old is gone, the new will come.
Look ahead and smile.

Unknown said...

Depressive freak: Oh yeah. Nothing beats a depressive mood like spreading it around. :D

Trisha: Thanks for your support. I really do appreciate it. :)

I wish you happy beginnings to 2007 too. May you have easier students to handle and happy times with your lovely daughter. :)

kruder said...

OK. IT's officially 2007 now and yes. it was the end of 2006. Time for a fresh start to the new year! woohoo

Unknown said...

@kruder: Heh. Happy new year to you too. :)

bigbanana said...

End of the road is the start of another journey. If you're not experienced sadness and suffering, how would you know the meaning and appreciation of happiness?

Wish you good in 2007!!